Dear exhibitors,
thank you for registering for our Lahn-Dill-Show on September 25th and/or 26th 2021
Our hygiene concept provides for the following (Deutsche Version):
In order to protect our breeders, exhibitors and helpers from a further spread of the Covid-19 virus, we commit ourselves to observe the following infection protection principles and hygiene rules.
- We ensure a minimum distance of 1.5 metres between people.
- In cases of doubt, where the minimum distance cannot be safely maintained, participants must carry and wear mouth-nose covers.
- Persons with respiratory symptoms (unless a doctor has clarified a cold, for example) will be kept away from the event site.
Registration office: Please note: Each start must be paid in advance. Only those who have paid their registration fee in advance (receipt of payment Volksbank Verden 23.09.2021) can start. There is no possibility of additional payment!
The starting numbers will be sent electronically one week before the show. They will only be sent after receipt of payment.
Only the registered exhibitor and one accompanying person have access to the events. No visitors are allowed.
All participants will receive together with their race number a questionnaire with information about their current Covid-19-relevant state of health, their current address and contact details in the event that a corona test is positive for a participant after the event. All participants must hand in this questionnaire when they first enter the exhibition grounds and keep a second printout of the completed questionnaire with them while they are on the exhibition grounds.
Vaccination cards for dogs
The exhibitor is obliged to open the vaccination card of the dog(s) carried for inspection – only dogs with a valid rabies vaccination are allowed on the site.
The maximum number of persons allowed is limited to 100 persons including helpers. To ensure this we will divide the starters in the rings into morning and afternoon.
The schedules will be determined after the second/last entry deadline and then sent to all exhibitors by email.
There will be a break at noon, where all participants who are in the ring with their dogs in the morning will leave the area and only then the participants who are scheduled to enter the ring in the afternoon will be allowed to enter.
Please consider this when setting up your exhibition tents with regard to assembly and disassembly or weatherproof protection.
The participants of Ring 1 and Ring 2 will not meet on the exhibition site until the Best in Show competition. All other competitions are unfortunately not possible, with the exception of the child/youth in the ring. The registrants for pair class, breeding group and offspring group have already been informed.
Procedure in the show ring
Distance markings (2 m) are applied in the exhibition ring. An exhibitor will stand in front of each mark. This distance must also be observed when running – stopping is then again at the hats, so we have a visual marking so that the distances of the exhibitors can be maintained at all times and so that it is possible to run without a mask. In the individual evaluation the dog’s teeth must be shown by the presenter. At the moment when the judge falls below the 1.5 m distance for the individual evaluation, the handler must put on the mask he has brought along.
Minimum distances should also be observed when parking, and participants are required to be considerate of neighbouring vehicles when getting out or getting in.
Here too, care must be taken to ensure appropriate distance and only two households may walk together – no groups!
There will be NO catering on site. So please do not only think about the food for your dogs but also for yours.
Instructions for action in case of suspicion
If there is any suspicion, the persons concerned are requested to contact a doctor or the public health department immediately. The completed questionnaires of all participants of the two events are kept for 1 month in the office of the DCNH LV Mitte and are available to health authorities for follow-up.
After a lot of back and forth with the community, we are especially pleased to announce that we have received the pitch for SATURDAY and SUNDAY as in the past. However, this means that it is not possible to arrive the evening before or leave on Monday. Also for the pitches the meanwhile usual distance regulation and mask obligation is to be considered.
The members of the organising team must be strictly observed when assigning pitches, especially with regard to the valid distance rules.
We count on your full support to organise a joint Lahn Dill Show 2021.
In case of non-compliance with these rules we are unfortunately forced to cancel the event! A refund of the entry fee is then understandably not possible.
Ute Berger |
& | Rüdiger Rink (1. Vorsitzender LV Mitte) |